
Grant Assistance Services, Inc., was incorporated in October of 2008.  From 2009 to present our organization has provided inkind services totaling $184,658.00 to Non profit and For Profit Organizations by providing program strategies and structure, research and development and implementation.  Grant Assistance Services, Inc., is now extending our reach into the communities in an effort to expand knowledge that will create sustainable livelihoods in order to eliminate poverty through job creation, expand economic opportunity in primarily low income and distressed communities, in order to bring greater social equity and alleviate poverty which will lead to a more sustainable economy for everyone.

Grant Assistance Services, Inc. has been recognized as a valued partner by Guidestar Exchange.  The Guidestar Exchange Seal indicates that Grant Assistance Services follows best practices and transparency in Non Profit disclosures and accountability.

View our Non Profit Periodic Report at www.guidestar.org




Grant Assistance Services, Inc.
"Helping Our Communities One Nonprofit At A Time"
Ph: 504-432-8920               Fax: 281-622-4405