Customer Testimonials

"Your time and dedication to our project has truly been an inspiration to each of our staff!  The new structure you organized for us has made our day to day operations much more time efficient!  It has made all the difference to our program effectiveness!  We are so grateful to have found you!  Here is to our TOTAL SUCCESS!"
- Thank You, Lori

"We appreciate you guys working so hard to make things happen!  It's only a matter of time before it all comes together!"
- Tony

"Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!  We could not have done it if it were not for all of your hard work on making our dreams a reality!"- S.R.L.

"Thank you so much for all of your guidance and hard work!  We appreciate your organization being so straightforward and offering us an education in the process of locating funding for our community kitchen.  We are excited and look forward to you guiding us through.  Your expertise if free flowing!  We are starting up our Facebook page and working on obtaining donations as you advised us to.  The program is beginning to come full circle and it appears we will have enough money raised to sustain us for the next year!  After that our additional funding should be in place!"
- Brenda

"Thank you very much for all the help.  We could not have done it without you.  We are going to have a meeting and get everything voted on signed, notarized and mailed.  Then we will be on our way!  Again, thank you so much for all the hard work!"- Thank you Again! - F.C.
Grant Assistance Services, Inc.
"Helping Our Communities One Nonprofit At A Time"
        Ph: 504-432-8920                 Fax: 281-622-4405